Monday, February 18, 2008

Cannot Sleep..zz

It's 18 Febuary 2008, 3.37 AM right now and im actually not sleeping when there is class 'later'
another 3 hours and 43 minutes countdown till i have to go to school...
hmm...i believe that when you are reading this blog will be in the future.. actually talking to someone in the future...xD
and now the reason that i'm not sleeping is because that...

"I Cannot Sleep"
0.0 -> >.< -> -.- -> (Bitten by mosquito) -> 0.o

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Opening of my blogz..

Finally a new blog was born...
but i have nothing to say right now...
just typing rubbish in it..
alright alright...
i'll update more later when i'm 'more' free..xD